How to Fan Objects: MatDesigner

How to Fan Objects: MatDesigner

Horizontal Fan

Horizontal Fan

Design a mat with five 2x3 (5x7 cm) #101 rectangles spaced evenly along the bottom of a 20x16 (50x40 cm).

Select the openings.

Click on the Advanced Tab.

Enter 3 for the Horizontal Fan Distance.

The Fan distance is the height of the arc measured from the bottom of the center opening.

Entering a higher number would make it fan more.

The Fan can also be adjusted by clicking and holding mouse on middle handle and moving the mouse.

If the fan is unselected (mouse clicked elsewhere), reselect the objects and click Set Fan to reselect the fan.

Vertical Fan

Vertical Fan

Design a mat with four 2x3 (5x7 cm) #101 rectangles spaced evenly on the left side of a 16x20 (40x50 cm).

Select the openings.

Click on the Advanced Tab.

Enter 3 for the Vertical Fan Distance.

The Fan distance is the width of the arc measured from the side of the center opening.

Entering a higher number would make it fan more.

The Fan can also be adjusted by clicking and holding mouse on middle handle and moving the mouse.

If the fan is unselected (mouse clicked elsewhere), reselect the objects and click Set Fan to reselect the fan.

To Fan Letters

To Fan Letters

Have the LetterMat or TTF selected.

Click on the Advanced Tab.

Click Explode Font.

The LetterMat or TTF is now exploded into the individual letters.

Arrange the individual letters as desired.

Click Set Fan (Horizontal or Vertical, depending upon the orientation of the letters) on the Advanced Tab.

Enter the desired Fan Distance in the Fan Distance field.

The letters are fanned.