Quad Template: MatDesigner

Quad Template: MatDesigner



The Quad template allows a different template per opening quadrant.

Select #111 Quad from the template library, and place on the work space.

Editing Quad

Click on properties tab with quad opening selected.

Click on Quads tab.

Click on quadrant thumbnail and select a new template from the template library.

Click on Parameters tab and adjust parameters for each quadrant as desired.

NOTE: Not all templates are available for this design.

NOTE: If you change to a Quad Template from another template, it will attempt to use the template if allowed, otherwise it will default to #101 Rectangle.


Quad Opening

Label: Enter a label for this object if desired.

Change to Template: Click Change to Template to select a different template from template library.


Width/Height: Change width/height of opening.

  • Click Sizes to select recent or standard sizes.

  • Click Swap to switch numbers between width/height.

Reveals Tab (Options)

# Layers: Select number of layers.

Reveal: Enter reveal amount.

Cartridge Icon: Click on the Cartridge Icon and select the desired Cartridge for this layer.

Default Cartridge is the 45° normal bevel Cartridge.
If a Cartridge is not licensed, it will be disabled.

RB: Select RB to make this layer reverse bevel.


Parameters Tab (Options)

Click on parameters tab to adjust parameters for each quadrant as desired.


Select a template for each quadrant by clicking on the quadrant thumbnail and selecting template from the template library.