Fan Objects: MatDesigner

Fan Objects: MatDesigner

Horizontal Fan Distance

Horizontal Fan Distance

Hold down the shift key and select three or more objects.

Click on the Advanced tab.

Enter desired fan height in Horizontal Fan Distance.

Fan Distance is the height of fan from center of end objects.

Positive value fans objects upwards, negative value fans downward.

Click Set Fan.


Fan can also be adjusted by clicking and holding mouse on middle handle and moving cursor.

If fan is unselected (mouse clicked elsewhere), reselect objects and click Set Fan to reselect the fan.

Vertical Fan Distance

Vertical Fan Distance

Hold down the shift key and select three or more objects.

Click on the Advanced tab.

Enter desired fan width in Vertical Fan Distance.

Fan Distance is the width of fan from center of top and bottom end objects.

Positive value fans objects to the right, negative value fans to the left.

Click Set Fan.


Fan can be adjusted by clicking and holding mouse on middle handle and moving cursor.

If fan is unselected (mouse clicked elsewhere), reselect objects and click Set Fan to reselect the fan.