Oval Design Details: FrameShop Trace Editor

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Oval Design Details: FrameShop Trace Editor

Oval Design Details

Oval Design Details

Click on an Oval to see the specific details about it. 

Note: If you bring in the design from DesignerOffset the Oval and select the offset, or Convert Arcs to Splines, then clicking on the "Oval" will display Circuit information. This section is only for Ovals created within Trace.

The Design Details section displays information about the selected Oval.

Design Oval Details

Design Oval Details

Center X and Y 

Displays the Center Point X and Y Coordinates.

Major Axis 

The Longest Diameter of the ellipse/oval.

Minor Axis 

The Shortest Diameter of the ellipse/oval.

Bevel Type 

Displays the Bevel Type if the current oval is traced.


The Layer this oval is assigned to if it is traced.