Menu Selections: FrameShop Trace Editor

This FrameShop Online Help System is for an older Version of FrameShop.

The updated 7.x FrameShop Online Help can be found here: https://wizardcutters.atlassian.net/wiki/x/hgApYw

If you are running FrameShop version FrameShop 4.1 or above you can update your software by clicking on Options then Check For Update.

What to Expect When Updating to FrameShop 7x from FrameShop 4x: https://wizardcutters.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQDWaQ

FrameShop Installation Documents: https://wizardcutters.atlassian.net/wiki/x/_1snYw

Menu Selections: FrameShop Trace Editor

Menu Selections

Menu Selections

File Menu

Load From Database: Load a CutArt from the database.
Load: Load a project file. 
Save To Database: Save a CutArt to the database. 
Save CutArt: Save a CutArt file.
Save Path: Save a Path file.
Save DXF: Save a DXF file.
Save SVG: Save a SVG file.
Clear All: Clear both the Design and the Image from the editor.
Clear Design: Clear the Design from the editor.
Clear Image: Clear the Image from the editor.
Send to CMC: Send the design to the Cutting Preview Screen to cut.
Exit: Exit to the FrameShop main screen.

Edit Menu

Convert Arcs to Splines: Convert the Arcs into Bezier Splines.
Break All IntersectionsBreak all segments where they intersect with other segments.
Tangify all Circuits: Smooth the connection between circuits where the conjunction is below a certain angle. 
Auto Join Segments: Automatically join segments together.
Explode All: Break objects down into their individual segments.
Flip Design: Flip the entire design vertically or horizontally.
Add Tape Measure: Add a Tape Measure to the editor.
Cut (Ctrl+X): Cut the current selection from the editor.
Copy (Ctrl+C): Make a copy of the selected object.
Paste (Ctrl+V): Paste the current selection onto the editor.
Select All (Ctrl+A): Select all of the objects on the editor.
Select None (Ctrl+N): Unselect all of the objects on the editor.
Undo (Ctrl+Z)Undo the last command.
Redo: Redo the last command.

Options Menu

Continuous Drawing: Continue drawing without having to restart the current drawing tool command.
Auto Align Circuits: Display alignment lines when the cursor lines up with control points of another object. 
Show Control Points: Display the beginning, middle and end control points of objects.
Show Start Points: Show the initial blade plunge and cut direction of each traced object. 
Show Cut Order Numbers: Display the cut order of traced objects. 
Show Rulers: Display rulers along the border edges.

Help Menu

Trace Manual: Opens this on-line manual.