Circuit Design Details: FrameShop Trace Editor

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Circuit Design Details: FrameShop Trace Editor

Circuit Design Details

Circuit Design Details

Click on a Circuit, which is an enclosed object such as a polygon or star.

The specific details about the circuit will be displayed. 

NOTE: If you bring in an oval from DesignerOffset the Oval and select the offset, or Convert Arcs to Splines, then clicking on the "Oval" will display Circuit information instead of the Oval information.

The Design Details section displays information about the selected circuit.

Design Circuit Details

Design Circuit Details

X/Y Coordinates 

Displays the X/Y Coordinates of the lower left corner of the bounding rectangle.

Width and Height 

Displays the Width and Height of the circuit.


Displays the X/Y Coordinates of the circuit’s start point when drawn. If you click on the upper left and drew by dragging to the lower right, that would make the start point the upper left corner. 

Start Dropdown Control 

Displays the X/Y Coordinates of the circuit's other control points. The dropdown is disabled until you assign a bevel type to the circuit.


Displays the number of Segments the current circuit contains. If you explode this object, this is the number of individual parts it will break down into.

View List 

Click the View List button to see the list of the X and Y coordinates of each of the segments contained in the currently selected circuit on the Object Segments screen.

The Object Segments screen displays the list of the X and Y coordinates of each of the segments contained in the currently selected object.

Bevel Type 

Displays the Bevel Type if the current object is traced.


Displays the Layer this object is assigned to if the current object is traced.

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