Trace Lessons: FrameShop Trace Editor

This FrameShop Online Help System is for an older Version of FrameShop.

The updated 7.x FrameShop Online Help can be found here: https://wizardcutters.atlassian.net/wiki/x/hgApYw

If you are running FrameShop version FrameShop 4.1 or above you can update your software by clicking on Options then Check For Update.

What to Expect When Updating to FrameShop 7x from FrameShop 4x: https://wizardcutters.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQDWaQ

FrameShop Installation Documents: https://wizardcutters.atlassian.net/wiki/x/_1snYw

Trace Lessons: FrameShop Trace Editor

Trace Lessons

Trace Lessons

The Trace program is an editing and drawing utility that enables custom alteration of designs. In addition, the user can also load an image to use as a basis to draw over or Vectorize, change a bevel type or cutting order, or even break objects and combine them in a different way. 

After editing and tracing the design, load the CutArt into FrameShop to cut. 


For additional help and useful articles, check out our website at https://wizardcutters.com.

Loading a Design or Image into Trace 

Select this topic to see information on the different ways you can Load a Design or Image into Trace.

Trace Lessons: Gaining Familiarity 

Select this topic to see information on the different Trace Lessons which will help the user gain familiarity with the Trace software and functions.