Design Details Section: FrameShop Trace Editor

Design Details

Design Details

The Design Details section displays information about the current design or the currently selected element. Click the Edit radio button and then select the desired element to view its design details.


Select this topic to see information on selecting an Arc to display details about the currently selected Arc.


Select this topic to see information on selecting a Circuit to display details about the currently selected Circuit.


Select this topic to see information on selecting the background to display the number of Circuits in the design.


Select this topic to see information on selecting a Curve to display details about the currently selected Curve.


Select this topic to see information on selecting the background to display the number of Fragments in the design.


Select this topic to see information on selecting a Group of objects to display the details about the selected objects.

Scaling Designs 

Select this topic to see information on how to Scale your design in Trace.


Select this topic to see information on selecting a Line to display details about the currently selected Line.


Select this topic to see information on selecting an Oval to display details about the currently selected Oval.

Total Layers 

Select this topic to see information on selecting the background to display the number of Total Layers if the design is traced.

View List 

Select this topic to see information on the View List which displays a listing of the current circuits and fragments of the design.