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Lesson One: Adjust an Object Freehand

Adjust an Object Freehand in Trace

Adjust an Object Freehand in Trace

  • This lesson shows how to edit half of an object, delete the unedited half, mirror the object to create a completed object, then offset to create a matching second layer.

Creating a Design by Adjusting Another Object Freehand
  • There are also instructions for an alternate version.

Optional Design Available

Design In FrameShop then Bring into Trace

Design In FrameShop then Bring into Trace

Templates are specialized parametric shape generators created by Wizard.

Many of the templates have additional Properties that can be edited which can change the shape, curves and corners of the design as well as a wide assortment of Parameters.

The Template Library displays the different templates that are available for use.

See: Template Properties

See: Template Library

Move Point

Move Point

The Arc tool allows you to draw a three-point mathematically defined arc in the Trace software.

The Arc has three points: Initial Position (called an Anchor), Middle Point (called a Handle) which can be moved to change the shape of the Arc, and Terminating Position (called an Anchor).

The Convert Arc to Splines process will convert the Arcs to Splines which are easier to tangify to make cuts smoother.

See: Arc Tool in Trace

See: Arc Tool Definition 

See: Splines Definition

See: Convert Arc to Splines Function

Draw Line

Draw Line

The Mirror function will create a Mirror copy of the selected object along the selected axis in Trace and Designer and mirror the image horizontally in Visualize.

See: Mirror in Trace Function

See: Mirror CutArt in Designer

See: Mirror Image in Visualization

The Line tool in Trace will draw a Two-Point Line. 

The Line is defined by two points: Initial Position (called an Anchor) and the Terminating Position (called an Anchor).

After it is drawn, a third point in the Center will be displayed, which can be moved to alter the line into an Arc.

See: Line Tool Function

The Line tool in Trace will draw a Two-Point Line. 

The Line is defined by two points: Initial Position (called an Anchor) and the Terminating Position (called an Anchor).

After it is drawn, a third point in the Center will be displayed, which can be moved to alter the line into an Arc.

See: Line Tool Function

Explode Circuit

Explode Circuit

Delete Object

Delete Object

Join Segments

Join Segments

Mirror Object

Mirror Object

Delete Reference Line

Delete Reference Line

Join Segments

Join Segments

Offset Circuit

Offset Circuit

Convert to Splines/Tangify

Convert to Splines/Tangify

Trace the Design

Trace the Design

Save and Cut

Save and Cut

Optional Design

Optional Design



Edited Both Halves for the Heart:

Edited Both Halves for the Heart:

Edited One Half of the Heart:

Edited One Half of the Heart: