Lesson Three: Camel V-Groove/Deboss/Pen

Lesson Three: Camel V-Groove/Deboss/Pen

Create a V-Groove/Deboss/Pen that Follows a Template Shape

Create a V-Groove/Deboss/Pen that Follows a Template Shape

  • If you want to add a V-Groove, Deboss or Pen object and have it follow closely around a multi-layer Template shape, the results aren't always as expected, as displayed here. 

  • This is because the V-Groove/Deboss/Pen is placed using the default parameters which mirror that of the Bottom Layer, rather than being an Offset from the Top Mat that we're trying to flow around. 

  • This lesson shows how to easily create a V-Groove, Deboss or Pen object to follow closely around a Template shape.

Design in FrameShop then Bring into Trace

Design in FrameShop then Bring into Trace

  • First we need to make sure we are designing the layers in the correct order for these instructions.

  • On the FrameShop Main Page, click Admin and stay on the Defaults tab.

  • Under Layer Direction select Bottom Up if it is not already set to that.

  • Click Save and return to the Main Page.

    • You can change this back to the original setting later if desired.

Templates Definition

Explode to Remove Previous Traced Information

Explode to Remove Previous Traced Information

Explode All Definition

Auto Join Segments

Auto Join Segments

Auto Join Segments Definition

Trace the Design

Trace the Design

CutArt™ Definition





You can see how much we changed the design when you compare it to the original version.

Default Settings