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Lesson Fourteen: Multi-Layered Oval Inset

Creating a Multi-Layered Oval Inset

Creating a Multi-Layered Oval Inset

  • This lesson shows how to make a Multi-Layer Oval Inset mat.

This is an Example of the Inset Oval Design

Design in FrameShop, Bring into Trace

Design in FrameShop, Bring into Trace

  • First we need to make sure we are designing the layers in the correct order for these instructions.

  • On the FrameShop Main Page, click Admin and stay on the Defaults tab.

  • Under Layer Direction select Bottom Up if it is not already set to that.

  • Click Save and return to the Main Page.

    • You can change this back to the original setting later if desired.

Make Sure the Layer Direction is Set to Bottom Up

Bring Design into Trace

Bring Design into Trace

Break All Intersections

Break All Intersections

The Arc tool allows you to draw a three-point mathematically defined arc in the Trace software.

The Arc has three points: Initial Position (called an Anchor), Middle Point (called a Handle) which can be moved to change the shape of the Arc, and Terminating Position (called an Anchor).

The Convert Arc to Splines process will convert the Arcs to Splines which are easier to tangify to make cuts smoother.

See: Arc Tool in Trace

See: Arc Tool Definition 

See: Splines Definition

See: Convert Arc to Splines Function

The Curve function allows you to draw a four-point mathematically defined Bezier/Spline Curve in the Trace software.

The Bezier/Spline Curve is defined by four points:

Initial Position (called an Anchor)

Two Separate Middle Points (called Handles) which can be moved to alter the shape.

Terminating Position (called an Anchor)

Splines are easier to handle in the software than Arcs for tangification which makes the cuts smoother between arcs.

The Convert Arc to Splines process will convert the Arcs to Splines for software simplification purposes.

Arcs are provided for those that prefer to draw with them.

See: Arc Tool in Trace

See: Arc Tool Definition 

See: Splines Definition

See: Convert Arc to Splines Function

The Break Tool tool is used to Bisect the Selected Segments at the point where they Intersect in the Trace software.

The Break All Intersections function bisects ALL Segments in the design where they intersect in the Trace software.

See: Break All Intersections Function

Join Segments / Close Circuit

Join Segments / Close Circuit

The Break Tool tool is used to Bisect the Selected Segments at the point where they Intersect in the Trace software.

The Break All Intersections function bisects ALL Segments in the design where they intersect in the Trace software.

See: Break All Intersections Function

The Arc tool allows you to draw a three-point mathematically defined arc in the Trace software.

The Arc has three points: Initial Position (called an Anchor), Middle Point (called a Handle) which can be moved to change the shape of the Arc, and Terminating Position (called an Anchor).

The Convert Arc to Splines process will convert the Arcs to Splines which are easier to tangify to make cuts smoother.

See: Arc Tool in Trace

See: Arc Tool Definition 

See: Splines Definition

See: Convert Arc to Splines Function


Tangify/Convert to Splines

Tangify/Convert to Splines

Trace the Design


Trace the Design


Save and Cut

Save and Cut



You can see how much we changed the design when you compare it to the original version.