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Lesson Seven: Stained Glass Window

Make a Stain Glass Window

Make a Stain Glass Window

  • This lesson shows how to combine two Templates to make a different design.

Templates are specialized parametric shape generators created by Wizard.

Many of the templates have additional Properties that can be edited which can change the shape, curves and corners of the design as well as a wide assortment of Parameters.

The Template Library displays the different templates that are available for use.

Template Slots

See: Template Properties

See: Template Library

The Finished Design

Design in FrameShop then Bring into Trace

Design in FrameShop then Bring into Trace

  • First we need to make sure we are designing the layers in the correct order for these instructions.

  • On the FrameShop Main Page, click Admin and stay on the Defaults tab.

  • Under Layer Direction select Bottom Up if it is not already set to that.

  • Click Save and return to the Main Page.

    • You can change this back to the original setting later if desired.

Templates are specialized parametric shape generators created by Wizard.

Many of the templates have additional Properties that can be edited which can change the shape, curves and corners of the design as well as a wide assortment of Parameters.

The Template Library displays the different templates that are available for use.

See: Template Properties

See: Template Library

In a two-layer design, the Reveal is the amount of the bottom matboard showing under the top mat in Designer and Visualize.

The standard Reveal between the top and bottom mat is 1/4".

See: Designer Reveal Function

In a two-layer design, the Reveal is the amount of the bottom matboard showing under the top mat in Designer and Visualize.

The standard Reveal between the top and bottom mat is 1/4".

See: Designer Reveal Function

CutArt™ are simple shapes and design elements created by Wizard that can be added to designs.

CutArts can be applied to your current design and edited, such as resizing and rotating.

They can be Cut, Debossed, Penned or cut on Vinyl.

See: Add CutArt Function

Break all Intersections

Break all Intersections

Join Segments

Join Segments

Trace the Design

Trace the Design

Convert to Splines/Tangify

Convert to Splines/Tangify

Save, Cut

Save, Cut



You can see how much we changed the design when you compare it to the original version.