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Dynamic Outsides Toggle

Dynamic Outsides Toggle

Dynamic Outsides Toggle

  • The Dynamic Outsides will allow an opening dragged to the edge of the mat to readjust the outside size by adding the Borders around the current openings on the design.

  • Dynamic Outsides Toggle appears bright when toggled on.

  • Default Settings: See Admin > Editor for the default settings for the Dynamic Outsides.

The Dynamic Outsides feature adds the Border Size to the Bounding Rectangle of the current Group of Openings, adjusting the Outside Size as necessary in Designer and Visualize.

Dynamic Outsides On

See: Dynamic Outsides Function in Trace

See: Dynamic Outsides Function in Visualization

The Border is the area of precisely definable width between the outside edge of a Mat and the edge of the Opening(s) in Designer, Nesting, and Visualization.

Mat Borders

See: Border Properties

See: Border Default Settings