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#502: Diamond with Curved Sides Design

How to Make a #502: Diamond with Curved Sides Design

How to Make a #502: Diamond with Curved Sides Design

  • These instructions will show you how to make a #502: Diamond with Curved Sides by editing it in Trace.

    • These curves can sweep either Inwards or Outwards.

    • These instructions will work with most of the templates.

The Diamond Curved Sides Design
  • Click New Mat Design on the FrameShop Main Page.

  • Click Cancel on the New Openings Screen.

  • On the Openings Tab, bring the template #502: Diamond template onto the Editor.

  • Click on the Properties Tab to edit it.

  • Enter the desired size for the #502: Diamond opening.

    • We are going to make our Curves .25” so this may reduce our initial size by .25” as noted below.

      • To make the Curve Inwards, the Bottom Layer is the correct size for the Opening.

      • To make the Curve Outwards, the Bottom layer is smaller than the opening size by the Reveal Width.

    • These instructions will show making the Curve Inwards.

  • Adjust the Reveal to be the distance the curves will be made; we chose .25.

Place a #502: Diamond and Enter the Size and Reveal Value
  • Right-Click on the opening and select Convert to CutArt.