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Kite Using the #504: Triangle

How to Make a Kite Using the #504: Triangle

How to Make a Kite Using the #504: Triangle

  • These instructions will show you how to make a Kite shape by Merging two #504: Triangles together.

The Kite Design
  • Click New Mat Design on the FrameShop Main Page.

  • Click Cancel on the New Openings Screen.

  • On the Openings Tab, bring the template #504: Triangle template onto the Editor.

  • Click on the Properties Tab to edit it.

  • Make it 1 Layer.

    • It will be too hard to try to merge it as two layers because of the Acute angles.

    • We will make the second layer in Trace.

  • Enter the desired size for the #504: Triangle opening.

    • This will be the top section of the Kite.

Place the #504: Triangle and Enter the Size
  • Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V) the current opening onto the Editor so that we have two of the same openings.