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Inset Design with Custom Inset Shapes

How to Make a Custom Inset Design

How to Make a Custom Inset Design

  • These instructions will show you how to make your own custom Inset design using the other templates available.

  • There are several Inset Templates currently available:

    • #911: Rectangle Inset

    • #912: Oval Inset

    • #913: Octagon Inset

    • #914: Half Rnd Inset

    • #915: Fr Stair Inset

The Custom Inset Design
  • Click New Mat Design on the FrameShop Main Page.

  • Click Cancel on the New Openings Screen.

  • On the Openings Tab, bring the template #101: Rectangle template onto the Editor.

  • Click on the Properties Tab to edit it.

  • Enter the desired size for the #101: Rectangle opening.

  • Center the #101: Rectangle.

Place a #101: Rectangle, Size It and Center it