Vectorize: FrameShop Trace Editor

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Vectorize: FrameShop Trace Editor



The Vectorize button will convert the rastor image into vector linesarcs and curves with the currently selected settings. If the image is large or extremely complex, it may take a while for the vectorization process to complete.

Vectorizing the Current Image

Vectorizing the Current Image

Load the Desired Image

Load the desired image on the editor, either by Taking a PictureLoading an Image File, or Loading a Server Image.  

Enter the desired size in the Design Bounds field.

Click the Vectorize button.

The image is vectorized and automatically traced as a Normal Bevel if the object is enclosed. 

You have the option of retracing as a different Bevel/Cartridge Type, or exploding it and editing it.

The Vectorize Program Steps:

The Vectorize Program Steps:

The tracing program has to determine which features of the image are relevant and which are artifacts.
In the first step, the bitmap is broken down into a number of paths, which form the boundaries between black and white areas.

In the second step, each path is approximated by an optimal polygon.

In the third step, each polygon is transformed into a smooth outline.

In the fourth step, the resulting curve is optimized by joining consecutive Bezier curve segments together where possible.

Finally, the output is generated in the required format.

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