Offset Tool: FrameShop Trace Editor

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Offset Tool: FrameShop Trace Editor

Offset Tool

Offset Tool

The Offset button creates a displacement copy of the selected object a parallel distance away. The distance is specified in the Offset reveal field.

Offsetting an Object

Offsetting an Object

Click on the desired object.

Select the desired direction (*see Rules below) to create the new offset from the Offset dropdown control. 

For a closed object: 

  • A positive value offsets to the inside.

  • A negative value offsets to the outside.

Enter the desired offset amount in the Offset reveal field.

Click the Offset button.

The object will be offset in the direction and by the amount specified.



Enclosed Objects:

  • Positive value offsets to the inside.

  • Negative value offsets to the outside.

  • Arcs and Curves Greater than 180 Degrees use the same rules as closed objects. 

  • For lines, imagine a line's start point to be the center of a circle. The plus offsets clockwise and minus offsets counterclockwise.

  • If it doesn’t offset in the expected direction, click Undo and change the value offset direction.