Dynamic Outsides Toggle: FrameShop Trace Editor

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What to Expect When Updating to FrameShop 7x from FrameShop 4x: https://wizardcutters.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQDWaQ

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Dynamic Outsides Toggle: FrameShop Trace Editor

Dynamic Outsides Toggle 

Dynamic Outsides Toggle 

Dynamic Outsides automatically adjusts the Outside size by changing the Border Size to zero.

If you are familiar with Dynamic Outsides in the Designer Editor, here it sets the Border Size to zero.

There is always 0.25” displayed between the design bounds and the rulers, but that is a display padding, not a true border.

Dynamics Outsides Off 

Dynamics Outsides Off 

Click the Dynamic Outsides toggle Off.

The outside dimensions will remain at the specified size even if the bounding rectangle is changed when the objects are moved in the design.

Dynamics Outsides On 

Dynamics Outsides On 

Click the Dynamic Outsides toggle On. 

The outside dimensions will readjust in size if the bounding rectangle is changed when the objects are moved in the design.