Vertical: FrameShop Configurations Screen

Vertical Home

Vertical Home

The Vertical Home defines the global vertical placement of objects cut with the blade cartridges.

Adjust the Vertical Home if the Opening is Cut in the Wrong Place Vertically

Select the Area of Concern for the Vertical Home Below:

Select the Area of Concern for the Vertical Home Below:

This is viewed as it cut on the machine, i.e., from the back if cutting from the back, or from the front if cutting from the front.

Select this topic to see information on editing the opening if it is cutting too high or too low Vertically when you are not cutting the outside of the mat.

Adjust the Vertical Home if the Opening is Cut in the Wrong Place Vertically

This is viewed from the front of the mat. Select this topic to see information on editing the V-Groove if it is cutting too high or too low Vertically when you are not cutting the outside of the mat.

This is viewed from the front of the mat. Select this topic to see information on editing the Vertical placement of the non-blade cartridges, (i.e., Deboss, Pen or Vinyl tools), see Vertical Adjustment.