Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Editor Startup

Set the defaults for the New Openings Screen and the Design Editor screen. 

Remember Previous     

  • Select the Remember Previous radio button to start with the same settings used in the previous Design session. This feature works well for some individuals, but may be confusing in a multi-user environment. 

  • Select the Start with Toggle Settings radio button (described below) to start with the selected toggle settings.   

Start with Toggle Settings            

  • Select the Start With Toggle Settings radio button to start with the selected toggle settings. 

  • Select the Remember Previous radio button (described above) to use the same settings from the previous session. 

Dynamic Outsides         

Set the Dynamic Outsides toggle on to automatically add the border size to the bounding rectangle of the current group of openings, adjusting the outside size as necessary. A new opening dragged to the edge of the mat will adjust the outside size by adding the borders around the current openings.

  • Set Dynamic Outsides toggle on to add the border size to the current openings, changing the outside dimension dynamically when openings are moved.

  • Set Dynamic Outsides toggle off to keep the outside dimension stagnant, where it will remain a fixed size.

  • This can also be toggled on/off on the Design Editor and on the Visualization Editor.

Guides Active            

  • Set Guides Active toggle on to activate the Guide lines so that openings will snap to the Guide lines.

  • Set Guides Active toggle off to deactivate Guide lines so that openings will not snap to the Guide Lines.

  • This can also be toggled on/off on the Design Editor Editor screen.

Borders Active

  • Set Borders Active toggle on to activate the Border Lines so that openings will snap to the Border lines. 

  • Set Borders Active toggle off to deactivate the Border Lines so that openings will not snap to Border lines.

  • This can also be toggled on/off on the Design Editor Editor screen.

Bottom Layer/Top Layer

This setting controls the default setting for the Positioning Toggle arrow on the Editor.

  • Set the Positioning toggle to Bottom to position openings from the bottom layer.

  • Set the Positioning toggle to Top to position openings from the top layer.

  • This can also be toggled on the Design Editor Editor screen.

Skip New Openings

Auto Label Multi Openings

  • Select the Auto Label Multi Openings checkbox to label new openings on the Design editor with the size of the opening. This label is overwritten if a new label is manually entered in the opening's Label field. 

  • Unselect the Auto Label Multi Openings checkbox to not display the size label on new openings. 

  • You can also toggle on the opening size label on the Design Editor on the Optionsmenu.

Enforce Minimum Sizes

  • Select the Enforce Minimum Sizes checkbox to require that the CutArt and LetterMat objects are using the minimum size or greater. If the object is below the previously set Minimum Size, the user will receive a warning when they go to the Cut Preview. The user will be prompted to Cut As Is or Force Minimum Size.  

  • Unselect the Enforce Minimum Sizes checkbox to not enforce the Minimum Size of CutArt or LetterMat objects. 

  • Caution: User may experience unsatisfactory results when cutting below the minimum size.  

Cut the Outside

Show Values as Fractions?

  • Select the Show Values as Fractions checkbox to display the numerical values in the software numerical entry fields as Fractions, such as when editing the Template sizes.

  • Unselect the Show Values as Fractions checkbox to display the numerical values in the software fields as Decimals, such as when editing the Template sizes.   

Wizard Wink Camera

  • Select the Wizard Wink Camera checkbox to display the Wink camera settings in the software. This must be displayed in order for the color profiles to be visible within the Visualization software.

  • Unselect the Wizard Wink Camera checkbox to not display the Wink camera settings. If the Wizard Wink Camera checkbox is unselected, both the Calibration button and the Calibration Main Screen menu item are hidden.
