Guides Toggle: FrameShop Design Editor

Guides Toggle

Guides Toggle

Use the Guides toggle to allow object edges and center points to snap to the Guide Lines.

Guides Toggle allows object edges and center points to snap to the Guide lines.  

Guides Toggle On, allows object edges and center points to snap to the Guide lines. 

Guides Toggle Off, allows object edges to be placed without snapping to the Guide lines.

Applying the Guide to the Top Layer

Applying the Guide to the Top Layer

Click the Positioning Toggle to Top.

Place the Guide by right-clicking and selecting the Guide direction and distance.

The Guide will be placed in reference to the top layer.

Applying the Guide to the Bottom Layer

Applying the Guide to the Bottom Layer

Click the Positioning Toggle to Bottom.

Place the Guide by right-clicking and selecting the Guide direction and distance.

The Guide will be placed in reference to the bottom layer.

New Guides from Rulers

New Guides from Rulers

Click and hold the mouse button on any of the ruler edges of the matboard and drag it onto the work space to place a Guide. 

A Guide is placed on the Editor.

To create a Guide Relative to an Object:

To create a Guide Relative to an Object:

Select the desired object.

Click the New Guide button.

Select the desired direction and placement to place a Guide onto the Editor.

A Guide is placed on the Editor.

Tip: To place a guide a specified distance to the inside of an object, select Other and use negative numbers.

To Place Guide a Specified Distance from an Object:

To Place Guide a Specified Distance from an Object:

Select the desired object.

Click the New Guide button.

Select New Guide From Other.

Select the desired direction to place the guide in relation to the selected object by clicking the associated checkbox. 

Enter the distance in the distance field and click OK.

The Guide is placed.

Using the Guides

Using the Guides

Click the Guide toggle button to activate guides. The Guides Toggle appears bright when toggled on.

Create the desired Guide lines. 

Click and drag the desired objects. 

The object edges and center points snap to the red guide lines making alignment easy.

Auto Align Openings

Auto Align Openings

As you move openings, blue alignment lines will display when an object is aligned to another object if Auto Align Openings is selected, which helps make alignments quick and easy.  

The blue alignment lines can be toggled on or off on the Edit Menu by clicking Auto Align Openings.

Set the Default for Guides

Set the Default for Guides

The default setting for the Guides can be set in the Admin > Editor section.

See Also: New Vertical Guide and New Horizontal Guide in the Right-Click Menu or New Guide on the Alignment Tab.

See Also: New Vertical Guide and New Horizontal Guide in the Right-Click Menu or New Guide on the Alignment Tab.