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View List Design Details

View List Design Details

View List Design Details

  • Click on the background.

  • Click on the View List button to open the Design Objects screen.

  • The Design Objects screen will open and display a listing of the current Circuits and Fragments in the design, along with the details about them.


The View List button will open the Design Objects screen which will display the location, size, and layer information of all of the Circuits/Fragments on the design.

You can also select specific Circuits/Fragments from the Design Objects screen in order to edit them, such as deleting them.

A Circuit is an enclosed, connected object such as a Rectangle or a Polygon in Trace.

A Fragment is an object in Trace that is not enclosed, such as a series of Lines, Arcs, Curves, or if the design has been Exploded.

Fragments of a Design

See: Fragment Properties in Trace

Click View List to Display the Circuits and Fragment Points of all Objects