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Arc Tool

Drawing an Arc

Drawing an Arc

  • The Arc button allows you to draw an Arc.

  • Click the Arc button.

  • Click to place the three points of the Arc:

    • Start Point

    • Middle Point

    • End Point

Left-Click sets the Point under the Cursor.

Right-Click Snaps to the nearest Point.

The Arc tool allows you to draw a three-point mathematically defined arc in the Trace software.

The Arc has three points: Initial Position (called an Anchor), Middle Point (called a Handle) which can be moved to change the shape of the Arc, and Terminating Position (called an Anchor).

The Convert Arc to Splines process will convert the Arcs to Splines which are easier to tangify to make cuts smoother.

Drawing an Arc

See: Arc Tool in Trace

See: Arc Tool Definition 

See: Splines Definition

See: Convert Arc to Splines Function

Drawing an Arc