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Selecting the 52 Degree Cartridge in the Editor

Selecting the 52° Blade Cartridge

Selecting the 52° Blade Cartridge

  • The 45° blade cartridge is the default bevel type.

    • The 52° blade cartridge does not support blade depths above 16.

  • Click on the opening.

  • Click on the Properties Tab.

  • Click the Cartridge Icon on the desired layer.


Select the Desired Blade Cartridge

Template Object

  • Select the 52° Bevel Cartridge.

Templates are specialized parametric shape generators created by Wizard.

Many of the templates have additional Properties that can be edited which can change the shape, curves and corners of the design as well as a wide assortment of Parameters.

The Template Library displays the different templates that are available for use.

Template Slots

See: Template Properties

See: Template Library

Non-Template Object

Non-Template Objects can include CutArt, LetterMat, TTFs and Boxes.

Each of these items have their own specialized shape generators and Parameters that can be adjusted.

New Cartridge Selected

Go to the Cut Preview