This FrameShop Online Help System is for an older Version of FrameShop.
The updated 7.x FrameShop Online Help can be found here:
If you are running FrameShop version FrameShop 4.1 or above you can update your software by clicking on Options then Check For Update.
What to Expect When Updating to FrameShop 7x from FrameShop 4x:
FrameShop Installation Documents:
Cutting Preview: FrameShop Cut Preview Screen
Cutting Preview | |
Use the Cutting Preview to cut the selected project on the CMC. NOTE: Not all features are available on all CMC models. | |
Make the desired selections for cutting the current design on the Cutting Preview.
| The Cut Preview Screen Where You Can Cut the Current Design |
Setup TabSelect this topic to see information on Tiling the Current Mat and displaying any notes made on the Design Editor. | The Setup Tab Contains the Tiling Fields and Additional Info Field |
Location TabSelect this topic to see information on Specifying the Exact Position on the Board to cut the current design. | |
Recent TabSelect this topic to see information on the List of the Recently Cut Items. | |
Layers and SKUsSelect this topic to see information on the Current Layer Number and any Matboard SKUs assigned to that layer. | |
Layer NumberSelect this topic to see information on the Current Layer Number. | |
Blade Depth EntrySelect this topic to see information on the Blade Depth Entry field for the current layer. | |
Blade Depth Quick SelectSelect this topic to see information on the Blade Depth Quick Select dropdown control to assign a preset blade depth to the current layer. | |
Cut ButtonSelect this topic to see information on Cutting the Current Design. | |
Align the HeadSelect this topic to see information on Aligning the Head. | |
OptionsSelect this topic for information on the Options panel. | |
TogglesSelect this topic for information on the Toggles panel. | |
ZoomSelect this topic for information on the Zoom Controls to change the screen view. | |
Navigator ThumbnailSelect this topic for information on the Navigator Thumbnail. | |
Cut Preview IndicatorsSelect this topic for information on the Cut Preview Screen Indicators. |