Options: FrameShop Cut Preview Screen



The Options section displays a panel of the most used functions on the Cutting Preview screen. 

Align the Head 

Select this topic to see information on Aligning the Head and Powering up the Motors in preparation to cut the mat. 


Select this topic to see information on Disengaging Power to the Head Motors.

View License 

Select this topic to see information on the License Screen.

Blade Depth 

Select this topic to see information on Selecting the Blade Depth for the current design. 

Cut Speeds 

Select this topic to see information Editing the Cutting Speeds for the individual cartridges. 


Select this topic to see information on the Configuration Screen to configure how the CMC cuts or applies the non-bladed cartridges.


Select this topic to see information on the Trace Software to create custom designs and alterations.


Select this topic to see information on Nesting Designs to Optimize Cutting Matboard.