Ignore Area: FrameShop Trace Editor

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Ignore Area: FrameShop Trace Editor

Ignore Area

Ignore Area

The Ignore Area is the threshold used to determine the minimum size of paths. If the interior area of a path, in pixels, is less than this value, it is ignored. 

Essentially, the larger the number, the more details it will ignore. 

Using the Ignore Area Setting

Using the Ignore Area Setting

Load an image. This is an exaggerated image that has a lot of smudges and artifacts from being scanned and faxed. 

Set the Ignore Area to the desired setting. We started with 2.

Click the Vectorize button. You can see that it picked up a lot of the artifacts in the image.

Change the Ignore Area to a higher number to ignore more of the smaller details of the image to try and trace only the desired amount of the image. 

You will have to play with the number for the desired result for the particular image loaded.

Click the Vectorize button. This gives us an almost close to perfect result. We can easily delete the remaining small artifacts that it picked up.