Cut From Front: FrameShop Cut Preview Screen

Cut From Front

Cut From Front

Use the Cut from Front toggle to select whether you want to cut from the front or the back of the mat for the CMC Z1, Z (9000z), 9000, and 8000.

Cut From Front Toggle Off

Cut From Front Toggle Off

Click the Cut From Front toggle to Off to cut the current layer from the back of the mat. 

The Cutting Preview will now cut from the back.

The Cutting Preview indicator will display Back.

Mats containing elements that are administered to the front of the mat (i.e., Deboss, Pen, V-Grooves, etc.,) will force it to cut from the front. 

The elements will be applied to the front of the mat, and any openings on that layer will also cut from the front of the mat.

Cut From Front Toggle On

Cut From Front Toggle On

Click the Cut From Front toggle to On to cut the current layer from the front of the mat. 

The Cutting Preview will cut from the front.

The Cutting Preview indicator will display Front.

Mats containing elements that are administered to the front of the mat (i.e., Deboss, Pen, V-Grooves, etc.,) will force it to cut from the front. 

The elements will be applied to the front of the mat, and any openings on that layer will also cut from the front of the mat.

Set the Default for Cutting from the Front or Back

Set the Default for Cutting from the Front or Back

The default setting for Cutting from the Front or Back can be set in the Admin > Cutting section.

Check the Cutting from Front checkbox to default to cutting from the front; uncheck the Cutting from Front checkbox to default to cutting from the back.

Click Save.

The system will now default to the setting selected.

You can still manually change the setting from the Cut Preview screen as displayed above.