Create a Doily Shape |
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Design in FrameShop then Bring into Trace |
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| Templates are specialized parametric shape generators created by Wizard. Many of the templates have additional Properties that can be edited which can change the shape, curves and corners of the design as well as a wide assortment of Parameters. The Template Library displays the different templates that are available for use. |
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Click on the Properties tab. Click on the Parameters tab. Change the No. of Points to 6. Change the Spikiness to 0. Change the Mode to 2. Change the Line Length to 2.
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title | Parameters Definition |
| The Parameters are a set of specified variable characteristics related to the selected object that can be modified through the accompanying fields in Designer. For example, the Chamfer is the symmetrical angled surface at the corner of the Template. In Designer, the Template Parameter Map displays a diagram describing each parameter field for the current Template. |
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| Templates are specialized parametric shape generators created by Wizard. Many of the templates have additional Properties that can be edited which can change the shape, curves and corners of the design as well as a wide assortment of Parameters. The Template Library displays the different templates that are available for use. |
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Bring Design into Trace |
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| CutArt™ are simple shapes and design elements created by Wizard. CutArts can be applied to your current design and resized and rotated. They can be Cut, Debossed, Penned or cut on Vinyl. |
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Draw Alignment Lines |
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We will add some Alignment Lines that we will use to Mirror the circle. You can Mirror the circle without the Alignment Lines, but adding them will help illustrate the process.
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| The Line tool in Trace will draw a Two-Point Line. The Line is defined by two points: the Initial Position and the Terminating Position (which are called “anchors”). After it is drawn, a third point in the Center is displayed, which can be moved to alter the Line into an Arc. |
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| The Mirror function will create a mirror copy of the selected object along a selected axis in Trace and Visualize. |
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| The Line tool in Trace will draw a Two-Point Line. The Line is defined by two points: the Initial Position and the Terminating Position (which are called “anchors”). After it is drawn, a third point in the Center is displayed, which can be moved to alter the Line into an Arc. |
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Do the same with the other sides of the polygon, Right-Clicking and Snapping to the Center Point then Snapping to the Center Point on the opposite point. Make sure that the Circle crosses over the Lines a little in order to have the Mirrored version of the Circle overlap. If it doesn't, either make the Circle larger or Offset it to make it larger.
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| The Line tool in Trace will draw a Two-Point Line. The Line is defined by two points: the Initial Position and the Terminating Position (which are called “anchors”). After it is drawn, a third point in the Center is displayed, which can be moved to alter the Line into an Arc. |
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| The Mirror function will create a mirror copy of the selected object along a selected axis in Trace and Visualize. |
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| The Offset button creates a displacement copy of the selected object a parallel distance away as specified in the Offset Reveal field in Trace. |
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Mirror the Circle |
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| The Mirror function will create a mirror copy of the selected object along a selected axis in Trace and Visualize. |
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| The Line tool in Trace will draw a Two-Point Line. The Line is defined by two points: the Initial Position and the Terminating Position (which are called “anchors”). After it is drawn, a third point in the Center is displayed, which can be moved to alter the Line into an Arc. |
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| The Mirror function will create a mirror copy of the selected object along a selected axis in Trace and Visualize. |
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| The Line tool in Trace will draw a Two-Point Line. The Line is defined by two points: the Initial Position and the Terminating Position (which are called “anchors”). After it is drawn, a third point in the Center is displayed, which can be moved to alter the Line into an Arc. |
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| The Mirror function will create a mirror copy of the selected object along a selected axis in Trace and Visualize. |
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The Mirror function will create a mirror copy of the selected object along a selected axis in Trace and Visualize. |
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The Line tool in Trace will draw a Two-Point Line. The Line is defined by two points: the Initial Position and the Terminating Position (which are called “anchors”). After it is drawn, a third point in the Center is displayed, which can be moved to alter the Line into an Arc. |
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| The Mirror function will create a mirror copy of the selected object along a selected axis in Trace and Visualize. |
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| The Line tool in Trace will draw a Two-Point Line. The Line is defined by two points: the Initial Position and the Terminating Position (which are called “anchors”). After it is drawn, a third point in the Center is displayed, which can be moved to alter the Line into an Arc. |
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| The Mirror function will create a mirror copy of the selected object along a selected axis in Trace and Visualize. |
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Break all Intersections |
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The Breaktool is used to Bisect the selected segments at the points where they Intersect in the Trace software.The Break All Intersections function bisect ALL segments in the design at the points where they intersect with another segment in the Trace software.
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The Breaktool is used to Bisect the selected segments at the points where they Intersect in the Trace software.The Break All Intersections function bisect ALL segments in the design at the points where they intersect with another segment in the Trace software.
Image Removed | Join Segments |
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The Join button will connect the selected segments together as one object in Trace. The Auto Join Segments button will automatically join adjacent segments together in Trace. |
Image Removed | The Arcs are joined together as a single entity.
If the Arcs don't connect as expected, you might have missed an Arc. Click the Undo button, reselect the Arcs and click the Join button again.
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The Arc Tool tool function allows you to draw a three-point mathematically defined curve in the Trace software. The Arc has three points: the Initial Position and the Terminating Position (which are called "anchors") and one separate Middle point (which is called a "handle") which can be moved to change the shape of the Arc. |
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The Curvebutton allows you to draw a mathematically defined Bezier/Spline Curve in the Trace software.The Bezier/Spline Curve is defined by four points: the Initial Position and the Terminating Position (which are called "Anchors") and Two Separate Middle Points (which are called "Handles"), which can be moved to change the shape of the Curve.
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The Join button will connect the selected segments together as one object in Trace. The Auto Join Segments button will automatically join adjacent segments together in Trace. |
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The Arc Tool tool function allows you to draw a three-point mathematically defined curve in the Trace software. The Arc has three points: the Initial Position and the Terminating Position (which are called "anchors") and one separate Middle point (which is called a "handle") which can be moved to change the shape of the Arc. |
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The Curvebutton allows you to draw a mathematically defined Bezier/Spline Curve in the Trace software.The Bezier/Spline Curve is defined by four points: the Initial Position and the Terminating Position (which are called "Anchors") and Two Separate Middle Points (which are called "Handles"), which can be moved to change the shape of the Curve.
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The Join button will connect the selected segments together as one object in Trace. The Auto Join Segments button will automatically join adjacent segments together in Trace. |
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The Arc Tool tool function allows you to draw a three-point mathematically defined curve in the Trace software. The Arc has three points: the Initial Position and the Terminating Position (which are called "anchors") and one separate Middle point (which is called a "handle") which can be moved to change the shape of the Arc. |
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The Curvebutton allows you to draw a mathematically defined Bezier/Spline Curve in the Trace software.The Bezier/Spline Curve is defined by four points: the Initial Position and the Terminating Position (which are called "Anchors") and Two Separate Middle Points (which are called "Handles"), which can be moved to change the shape of the Curve.
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The Join button will connect the selected segments together as one object in Trace. The Auto Join Segments button will automatically join adjacent segments together in Trace. |
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Convert to Splines/Tangify |
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title | Convert Arcs to Splines Definition |
Click Edit > Convert Arc to Splines to convert the Arcs into Bezier Splines. Splines can be Tangified with less distortion, which will give a smoother cutting path for the design in Trace. |
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title | Tangify all Circuits Definition |
The Tangify function will smooth the connection between the Selected Arc Circuits that are below the specified Angle in the Tangify field to provide a smoother cutting transition between the arcs.
The Tangify All Circuits will smooth the connection between All of the ArcCircuits that are below the specified Angle in the Tangify field to provide a smoother cutting transition between the arcs. Image Removed Image Removed | Trace, Save, Cut |
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Optionally, you can also bring the CutArt straight to the Cut Preview from Trace. The Doily design is completed.
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| Tracing the Design provides the Bevel Type and other necessary information to the Vector design in order to either Cut or apply a Non-Blade Tool on the CMC. The Set Bevels Tab in Trace contains the tools needed to Trace the design. |
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title | Bevel Type Definition |
| The Bevel Type is the Angle that the blade cuts on the Matboard/Fallout surface when it is not cut at a 90° Right Angle. |
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| CutArt™ are simple shapes and design elements created by Wizard. CutArts can be applied to your current design and resized and rotated. They can be Cut, Debossed, Penned or cut on Vinyl. |
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Optional Design |
Move the design further into the screen if necessary in order to be able to see the Offset Layer. Select the Doily. Change the Offset direction* to minus (-) by selecting it from the dropdown control. Leave the Reveal value at .25". Click the Offset Circuit button.
Panel |
panelIconId | atlassian-plus |
panelIcon | :plus: |
panelIconText | :plus: |
bgColor | #E3FCEF |
| *RULES: Enclosed Objects: Arcs and Curves Greater than 180 Degrees use the same rules as for closed objects. For Lines, imagine a line's start point to be the center of a circle. The Plus offsets Clockwise and Minus offsets Counter-Clockwise.
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| The Offset button creates a displacement copy of the selected object a parallel distance away as specified in the Offset Reveal field in Trace. |
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| In a two-layer design, the Reveal is the amount of the bottom matboard showing under the top mat in Designer and Visualize. The standard Reveal between the top and bottom mat is 1/4". |
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Break Intersections |
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The new Offset created Arcs that overlap in the corners. We want to Break the Intersections in the newly Offset object, rather than all of the Intersections in the design.
Hold down the CTRL key and select all of the newly created Arcs.
Click the Break button to Break the objects where they intersect with each other. The Arcs will break where they Intersect and appear Gray.
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The Offset button creates a displacement copy of the selected object a parallel distance away as specified in the Offset Reveal field in Trace. |
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The Arc Tool tool function allows you to draw a three-point mathematically defined curve in the Trace software. The Arc has three points: the Initial Position and the Terminating Position (which are called "anchors") and one separate Middle point (which is called a "handle") which can be moved to change the shape of the Arc. |
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The Breaktool is used to Bisect the selected segments at the points where they Intersect in the Trace software.The Break All Intersections function bisect ALL segments in the design at the points where they intersect with another segment in the Trace software.
Image Removed | Join Outside Segments |
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| The Join button will connect the selected segments together as one object in Trace. The Auto Join Segments button will automatically join adjacent segments together in Trace. |
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| The Join button will connect the selected segments together as one object in Trace. The Auto Join Segments button will automatically join adjacent segments together in Trace. |
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We could repeat these same steps to add a third Layer using a 1/8" reveal by Offsetting the outside object by .125", Breaking the newly Offset object, then Rejoining the outside elements to create the top Layer.
Depending upon the Template, the size, the Parameters, etc., you may not need to Breakthe elements before Joining them together if the Offset connects together neatly in the corners. Expand |
The Offset button creates a displacement copy of the selected object a parallel distance away as specified in the Offset Reveal field in Trace. |
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The Breaktool is used to Bisect the selected segments at the points where they Intersect in the Trace software.The Break All Intersections function bisect ALL segments in the design at the points where they intersect with another segment in the Trace software.
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The Join button will connect the selected segments together as one object in Trace. The Auto Join Segments button will automatically join adjacent segments together in Trace. |
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Templates are specialized parametric shape generators created by Wizard. Many of the templates have additional Properties that can be edited which can change the shape, curves and corners of the design as well as a wide assortment of Parameters. The Template Library displays the different templates that are available for use. |
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title | Parameters Definition |
The Parameters are a set of specified variable characteristics related to the selected object that can be modified through the accompanying fields in Designer. For example, the Chamfer is the symmetrical angled surface at the corner of the Template. In Designer, the Template Parameter Map displays a diagram describing each parameter field for the current Template. |
Image Removed | Trace, Save, Cut |
Trace the CutArt. Remember to Add a layer in the Layers section for each layer of matboard you want to trace. Click on the desired layer, select the object to trace, then select the bevel/cartridge to trace the item for that layer. Save the CutArt. You will get a message stating that this design contains objects that do not have an assigned bevel type. This refers to the leftover lines and arcs that we didn't trace. Click Yes that you wish to continue. Load the CutArt. Cut the CutArt. Optionally, you can also bring the CutArt straight to the Cut Preview from Trace.
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| Tracing the Design provides the Bevel Type and other necessary information to the Vector design in order to either Cut or apply a Non-Blade Tool on the CMC. The Set Bevels Tab in Trace contains the tools needed to Trace the design. |
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title | Bevel Type Definition |
| The Bevel Type is the Angle that the blade cuts on the Matboard/Fallout surface when it is not cut at a 90° Right Angle. |
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| CutArt™ are simple shapes and design elements created by Wizard. CutArts can be applied to your current design and resized and rotated. They can be Cut, Debossed, Penned or cut on Vinyl. |
Image RemovedCreate a Doily Shape |
Panel |
panelIconId | 1f9d9-200d-2640-fe0f |
panelIcon | :woman_mage: |
panelIconText | 🧙♀️ |
bgColor | #FFEBE6 |
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