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Layers in Set Bevels Tab



  • The Layers section displays the mat layers of the project with the currently selected layer highlighted. 

  • The Top mat Layer is always displayed at the top of the Layers list.

  • Default Settings: See Admin > Defaults for the default settings for the Layer Direction.

Layers Displays the Current Layer of the Selected Object

Layer Direction in Trace

Layer Direction in Trace

Layer Direction: Top Down

Top Down Layer Direction

Layer Direction: Bottom Up

Current Layer

Current Layer

Tracing the Design provides the Bevel Type and other necessary information to the Vector design in order to either Cut or apply with a Non-Blade Tool on the CMC.

The Set Bevels Tab in Trace contains the tools needed to Trace the design.

See: Tracing the Design



Tracing the Design provides the Bevel Type and other necessary information to the Vector design in order to either Cut or apply with a Non-Blade Tool on the CMC.

The Set Bevels Tab in Trace contains the tools needed to Trace the design.

See: Tracing the Design



Tracing the Design provides the Bevel Type and other necessary information to the Vector design in order to either Cut or apply with a Non-Blade Tool on the CMC.

The Set Bevels Tab in Trace contains the tools needed to Trace the design.

See: Tracing the Design