Troubleshooting the AirGlide

Troubleshooting the AirGlide

Problem: Loose, noisy cable or cutting issues with heavier materials.

Problem: Loose, noisy cable or cutting issues with heavier materials.

Resolution: Adjust Cable Tension

  • Move the trolley to the center of the gantry.

  • Hook the steel cable on the right side of gantry with a scale.

  • Pull the scale down until you have reached 1” (25mm) of space and check the scale measurement.

  • A properly tensioned AirGlide should be around 10lbs. at 1” (25mm).

A Properly Tensioned AirGlide Should be Around 10lbs. at 1” (25mm)
  • If you are under 10lbs. at 1” (25mm), turn the cable tensioning nut at the top of the gantry clockwise 1/2 turn at a time.

  • Measure with the scale again and repeat until the recommended tension is attained.

Adjust the Cable Tensioning Nut at the Top of the Gantry Clockwise

Problem: Uneven or Wavy Cuts

Problem: Uneven or Wavy Cuts

Resolution: Adjust Loose Trolley Wheels

  • Remove the blade cartridge.




Wheel Skips or Poor Break

Worn wheel assembly

Wheel Depth too shallow

Dirty glass

Replace wheel assembly

Adjust blade depth

Clean Glass

Score Line is Chipping or Flaking

Scoring depth set too deep

Adjust blade depth adjustment thumbwheel

Other Substrate

Material buckles or deforms

Not clamped

Use Clamp

Cutting edge frayed or damaged

Dull utility blade

Replace utility blade

Dimensional Issue

Dimensions incorrect.

Cut edge out of square

Rulers out of position

Debris on horizontal rail assembly surface

Gantry to horizontal rail perpendicularity is incorrect

Reposition rulers

Clean horizontal surfaces

Re-square AirGlide (see Adjusting Horizontal Rail Assembly in this document)