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Show Rulers: Trace

Show Rulers On

Show Rulers On

Show Rulers Selected

  • Select the Options > Show Rulers feature to display Rulers along the Border Edges.

The Border is the area of precisely definable width between the outside edge of a Mat and the edge of the Opening(s) in Designer, Nesting, and Visualization.

Mat Borders

See: Border Properties

See: Border Default Settings

Select Show Rulers to Display Rulers Along the Design Edges

Showing the Rulers On

Showing the Rulers On

Show Rulers Selected

  • Rulers are displayed around the Borders of the mat. 

The Border is the area of precisely definable width between the outside edge of a Mat and the edge of the Opening(s) in Designer, Nesting, and Visualization.

See: Border Properties

See: Border Default Settings

Show Rulers Off

Show Rulers Off

Show Rulers Unselected

  • Unselect Options > Show Rulers to not display rulers around the borders of the mat.

Showing the Rulers Off

Showing the Rulers Off

Show Rulers Unselected