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Selecting the Crease Cartridge in the Editor

Creating a Crease Element

Creating a Crease Element

  • The Crease cartridge presses onto the surface of the cardboard to make folding easier when creating boxes.

  •  These instructions show how to place a Crease element into your design.

  • Click the Add Decorative Line button on the Openings tab.

  • Select Crease from the drop-down control to place a crease object on the Design editor.

Click Add Decorative Line Button and Select the Crease Cartridge
  • If an object is selected when clicking Add Crease, the Crease Offset window will open. 

  • Enter the distance away from the current opening to place the Crease.

If an Object is Previously Selected, the Crease Offset Window Will Open Allowing you to Offset the Crease from the Opening