Current Bevel Type Dropdown Control: FrameShop Configurations Screen

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Current Bevel Type Dropdown Control: FrameShop Configurations Screen

Select the Bevel Type from the Dropdown Control

Select the Bevel Type from the Dropdown Control

After selecting the desired Cartridge Type Tab, select the desired Bevel Type or Cartridge Type to edit from the Current Bevel Type dropdown control. The default is Normal Bevel.

The different bevel types, including whether it is cutting from the front or the back, will determine the direction the head travels as it cuts, and dictates whether the corner is a backup or an overcut.

Select the Desired Bevel Type From the Bevel Type Dropdown Control

Cutting from the Back or Front

Cutting from the Back or Front

Cutting from the Back

Note that there is a separate bevel type configuration for cutting from the Front and cutting from the Back

Configurations cut from the Back will only display the bevel type name with no further label; i.e., Normal Bevel.

If you are cutting an element that must be applied to the front of the mat, such as a V-Groove or pen design, any openings on that layer will also cut from the front and use the Front of Mat configuration item; i.e., Normal Bevel - Front of Mat.

So if you are having problems with a Normal Bevel cut on the same layer as a V-Groove, make sure you select Normal Bevel - Front of Mat to edit the configurations for that opening.  

Cutting from the Front

Note that there is a separate bevel type configuration for cutting from the Front and cutting from the Back

Configurations cut from the Front will display Front of Mat after the bevel type; i.e., Normal Bevel - Front of Mat.

If you are cutting an element that must be applied to the front of the mat, such as a V-Groove or pen design, any openings on that layer will also cut from the front and use the Front of Mat configuration item; i.e., Normal Bevel - Front of Mat.

So if you are having problems with a Normal Bevel cut on the same layer as a V-Groove, make sure you select Normal Bevel - Front of Mat to edit the configurations for that opening.  

User Configs for the Current Bevel Type

User Configs for the Current Bevel Type

Select the desired bevel type from the Current Bevel Type dropdown control. The configurations for that bevel type are displayed. 

Backups and Overcuts 

Select this topic to see information on the Backups and Overcuts which control specifically where the blade plunges in and retracts from the matboard or fallout. 

Opening Adjustment 

Select this topic to see information on the Opening Adjustment which adjusts the size of the opening.


Select this topic to see information on the Rotation which corrects for Flares and Swoops on non-oval openings.

Oval Rotation 

Select this topic to see information on the Oval Rotation which corrects for Bumps and Feathers on oval openings.

User Configs for V-Grooves and the Non-Blade Cartridges

User Configs for V-Grooves and the Non-Blade Cartridges

Other Cartridge Adjustments 

Select this topic to see information on the additional configuration fields for V-Grooves and for the Non-Blade Cartridges.

When adjusting a non-blade cartridge, select the desired non-bladed Cartridge Tab, then select the desired cartridge type from the Cartridge dropdown control, if applicable. The configurations for that cartridge type will be displayed. 

The Configuration Map is the mapping diagram for the Backup and Overcut fields for the selected Cartridge and Bevel Type

The Backups and Overcuts arrows on the map are color-coordinated to match up with the arrows on the specific Backup and Overcut fields.