Plunge Count: FrameShop Configuration Screen

Plunge Count

Plunge Count

The Plunge Count feature pauses the cut for a Blade Change after the specified number of blade plunges has been reached. Because the initial plunge wears out the blade more than the actual cutting, it is recommended that you experiment and set the Plunge Count to the number of plunges that works best for you. 

The number of plunges will depend upon a variety of details: the type of material you are cutting, the thickness, density, texture, whether there are imperfections on the matboard that can dull the blade, and of course, the size and type of openings being cut. Experiment to see what number works best with the material and the type of openings you are cutting. Sixty plunges is a good number to start with for the premium blades.

Setting the Plunge Count

Setting the Plunge Count

Set the Plunge Count on each of the bladed cartridges to pause for a blade change when the number of plunges has been reached.

The Plunge Count value is set on the Configurations screen for each of the individual Blade Cartridge tabs.

This allows you to set a different Plunge Count value for each blade cartridge.

In this example, the 45 Degree Cartridge Plunge Count has been set to Forty plunges. 

Adjust the Plunge Count to Pause the Cutting to Change the Blade After the Entered Number of Plunges

After selecting the desired number of plunges for each blade cartridge, return to the Cutting Preview and toggle the Plunge Count function to On to use this feature. 

You may need to set the Cut Preview Screen to full screen to see the Plunge Count button.

Toggle the Plunge Count On to Use This Feature on the Cut Preview

After the specified number of plunges, the system will pause and will prompt for a Blade Change. Â