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Mirror Tool

Mirroring an Object

Mirroring an Object

  • The Mirror function will create a Mirror copy of the selected object along the selected axis.

  • Select the object to be mirrored.

  • Click the Mirror button.  

  • Click on the start of the plane of reference:

    • Left-Click sets the point under the cursor

    • Right-Click snaps to the nearest point

  • Draw the line to use for the axis reference by dragging the mouse. A dotted line is displayed for reference. Holding down the CTRL key will move the cursor in Ortho mode.

  • For Additional Information:

  • See Flip button to Flip the selected objects Horizontally or Vertically.

  • See Edit > Flip Design > Horizontal/Vertical to flip the entire design Horizontally or Vertically.

The Mirror function will create a Mirror copy of the selected object along the selected axis in Trace and Designer and mirror the image horizontally in Visualize.

Mirroring the Object
Object is Mirrored

See: Mirror in Trace Function

See: Mirror CutArt in Designer

See: Mirror Image in Visualization

Ortho Mode (Orthogonal) constrains the cursor movement to only the Horizontal or Vertical directions; i.e., right angles.

In Trace, this is done by holding down the CTRL key while drawing.