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Angle Limit: Vectorize: Trace

Angle Limit

Angle Limit

  • The Angle Limit determines the amount of Path Smoothing performed. 

  • The allowable value range is between 0 and 1.33 (4/3), with smaller values resulting in less smoothing and more corners.

  • The default value is 1, which is the optimal value. 

  • Generally, Angle Limit works best on images with higher resolutions. Angles are favored both by sharp angles and by long segments. 

  • Thus it will detect a corner if two short segments meet at a very sharp angle, and also if two very long segments meet at a slight angle.

A Path (.wpx) is a drawn Vector graphic path in Trace which is defined by a Start and End point, which may contain other Points, Curves, and Angles.

The Paths are independent of resolution, which means they can be resized without losing detail.

The Path file format in Trace will save all of the Vector elements of the design as you work, whether it is Traced or not. 

When the design is completed, save it as a CutArt to load into Designer.

A Path Design
Edit the Angle Limit When Vectorizing Images

Too many Angles:

  • If Too Many Angles are detected, the output will look like a Polygon and will no longer be smooth. 

Too Few Angles:

Using the Angle Limit Setting

Using the Angle Limit Setting

Raster to Vector is the process of taking a Raster image and converting it into a Vector to edit in Designer and Trace.

A Raster is a Bitmap image (JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc.) that is made up of a grid of Pixels, such as a photograph.

A Vector is a drawn graphic path which is defined by a Start and End point, which may contain other Points, Curves, and Angles, drawn in Trace.

See: Raster Definition

See: Vector Definition

See: Vectorize in Designer Function

See: Vectorize in Trace Function

Raster to Vector is the process of taking a Raster image and converting it into a Vector to edit in Designer and Trace.

A Raster is a Bitmap image (JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc.) that is made up of a grid of Pixels, such as a photograph.

A Vector is a drawn graphic path which is defined by a Start and End point, which may contain other Points, Curves, and Angles, drawn in Trace.

See: Raster Definition

See: Vector Definition

See: Vectorize in Designer Function

See: Vectorize in Trace Function