PathTrace Lesson One: Adjust an Object Freehand

PathTrace Lesson One: Adjust an Object Freehand

Lesson One: Adjust an Object Freehand

Lesson One: Adjust an Object Freehand

This lesson shows how to edit half of an object, delete the unedited half, and mirror the object to create a completed object.

This will create a new shape.

Design In MatDesigner, Bring into PathTrace

Design In MatDesigner, Bring into PathTrace

In MatDesigner, design a one layer heart.

Save as Path.

Open the heart path.

Move Point

Move Point

Click the Trace and Draw tab.

Click Move Point.


Click on the lower right arc of the heart and move the cursor in toward the center of the heart.

Click to place it.

Click on the new point that was created between the top arc and the bottom arc (Move Point is still the active command).

Move the cursor down and to the right a bit. See how the design changes.

Click when the arc looks satisfactory.

Draw Line

Draw Line

Draw an axis line to mirror the new heart.

Click Draw Line.

Right-click on the bottom point of the heart to snap to that point.

Move the cursor up and hold the CTRL key.

Click to place it.

Explode Circuit

Explode Circuit

The left side of the heart cannot be deleted until the heart is exploded into the individual entities.

Click the Prep Design tab.

Click Explode Circuit.

Click on the Heart.

The heart is now exploded into the separate entities that can be editing individually.

Delete Object

Delete Object

Click Delete Object.

Click on each segment that makes up the left side of the heart to delete them.

Only the right half of the heart remains.

Join Segments

Join Segments

Click Join Segments.

Click on the topmost segment of the heart and it turns white.

Click on the next segment and it also turns white.

Continue clicking the segments in order until the heart is white.

Mirror Object

Mirror Object

Mirror the heart half to create the other half of the heart.

Click on Trace and Draw tab.

Click on Mirror Object.

Click on the top arc of the heart.

Click on the line.

The heart has been mirrored using the line as the axis point.


Join Segments

Join Segments

Join the two halves together as one object.

Click on Prep Design tab.

Click Join Segments.

Click on each side of the heart.

Right-click to connect them.

Offset Circuit

Offset Circuit

Offset the heart to make a second layer.

Click Offset Circuit.

Leave the reveal at .25”.

Left-click the heart to place the offset outside of the heart.

Tangify/Convert to Splines

Tangify/Convert to Splines

Click on Edit > Tangify all Circuits. This makes each arc tangent to each other for smoother cutting.
Click Edit > Convert Arcs to Splines.

Trace, Save, Cut

Trace, Save, Cut

Trace, save and cut the new heart.

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