Select the desired Vendor to view.
Select the desired Vendor to search from the Select Vendor drop-down control.
The mat records associated with this vendor will display on the Mat Records Listing.
Optionally, select All Vendors from the Select Vendor drop-down control to display all of the vendor records.Â
Enter/Scan SKU of Mat/Fillet: Mats and Frames Tab
Layers Associated with SKUs: Nesting
Layers and SKUs: Cut Preview
Matboard Mats and Fillets SKUs: Properties Tab
Save Mat/Fillet SKU Images: Mats and Frames Tab
Save SKU Images: Design File Menu
Saving SKU Images in Visualize
Select the Mat/Fillet SKU from the Search Screen: Mats and Frames Tab
Selecting Color SKU from Complimentary Color Palette: Visualize Tools
Selecting Mat SKU from Complimentary Color Palette: Visualize Tools
Selecting a SKU for the Current Layer: Nesting
Set SKU by Mat Color: Mats and Frames Tab
Sheet SKU: Nesting
Mat Record SKUs: Mat Default Setting
Mat SKUs Entry: Mat Default Setting
Mat SKUs Last Updated: Mat Default Setting
Mat SKUs: Mat Default Setting
Mat SKUs Vendor: Mat Default Setting
Primary Mat SKU: Mat Default Setting
Search by Mat SKU: Mat Default Setting
User Defined Mat SKU: Mat Default Setting
Vendor Mat SKU: Mat Default Setting