The User Defined SKU number for this mat record is displayed on the User Defined SKU field.
The User Defined SKU can be anything that the user would like to use, which allows the user to use their own SKU entries and match them to existing SKUs.
Enter/Scan SKU of Mat/Fillet: Mats and Frames Tab
Layers Associated with SKUs: Nesting
Layers and SKUs: Cut Preview
Matboard Mats and Fillets SKUs: Properties Tab
Save Mat/Fillet SKU Images: Mats and Frames Tab
Save SKU Images: Design File Menu
Saving SKU Images in Visualize
Select the Mat/Fillet SKU from the Search Screen: Mats and Frames Tab
Selecting Color SKU from Complimentary Color Palette: Visualize Tools
Selecting Mat SKU from Complimentary Color Palette: Visualize Tools
Selecting a SKU for the Current Layer: Nesting
Set SKU by Mat Color: Mats and Frames Tab
Sheet SKU: Nesting
Mat Record SKUs: Mat Default Setting
Mat SKUs Entry: Mat Default Setting
Mat SKUs Last Updated: Mat Default Setting
Mat SKUs: Mat Default Setting
Mat SKUs Vendor: Mat Default Setting
Primary Mat SKU: Mat Default Setting
Search by Mat SKU: Mat Default Setting
User Defined Mat SKU: Mat Default Setting
Vendor Mat SKU: Mat Default Setting