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How to Make PhotoShop Pictures Easier to Vectorize and Cut

How to Make PhotoShop Pictures Easier to Vectorize and Cut

How to Make PhotoShop Pictures Easier to Vectorize and Cut

  • Simplifying a picture in Photoshop for cutting involves converting it to a clean, high-contrast image with clear edges that the CMC can recognize.

  • Here’s a step-by-step guide.

  • Important: Make a copy of your photo first!

1. Open Your Image

  • File > Open: Open your image in Photoshop.

2. Convert to Grayscale (Optional)

  • Image > Mode > Grayscale: This removes color information, making it easier to focus on contrast and edges.

3. Increase Contrast

  • Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast: Increase the contrast to make the edges more defined.

  • Levels or Curves: Use Image > Adjustments > Levels or Image > Adjustments > Curves to fine-tune the contrast.

4. Simplify the Image with Filters

  • Filter > Filter Gallery: Use filters like Cutout, Poster Edges, or other artistic filters to simplify the image while maintaining the essential shapes and outlines.

  • Adjust Settings: Play with the settings to reduce detail while keeping the main features.

5. Convert to Black and White

  • Image > Adjustments > Threshold: This converts the image to black and white, which helps in creating a clean, high-contrast image suitable for cutting.

6. Clean Up the Image

  • Eraser Tool: Use the Eraser Tool to remove any unwanted areas or noise.

  • Brush Tool: Use the Brush Tool to fill in any gaps in the areas you want to keep.

7. Save the Design and Load into Trace

  • Save the Design: Save the design.

  • Load into Trace: Open Trace and load the image into the Vectorization tab.

  • Vectorize the Image: See Vectorization for instructions on Vectorizing the design and save it as a CutArt that you will be able to load into Designer to cut.

By following these steps, you can simplify a Photoshop image for cutting, ensuring the final result is clean and suitable for use with the CMC.