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Location: X and Y Origin

Location X and Y Origin

Location X and Y Origin

  • Use the X Origin (Horizontal) and Y Origin (Vertical) fields to move the design to the specific location to cut.

  • Click on the design to select it.

  • Enter a new X or Y Origin value and tab out of the field.

  • It will move the lower left corner point of the design to the new X/Y Position on the Cut Preview.

  • Previous Cuts are displayed in Faded Grey to help the user position the current design on the screen.

  • To clear the Previous Cuts from the screen, click Clear Cut History.

The X Position field is used to set or display the Horizontal position of the selected object in Designer, Trace and the Cut Preview. 

Edit the X and Y Position of the Template Opening

The Y Position field is used to set or display the Vertical position of the selected object in Designer, Trace and the Cut Preview. 

Edit the X and Y Position of the Template Opening

The Previous Cuts are displayed on the Cut Preview as Faded Gray outlines.

These allow you to position the next cut beside a previous cut when cutting several designs from the same mat, such as when Calibrating the CMC.

This can be turned on/off in the Options menu, and the previous cuts can be cleared from the screen with the Clear Cut History button.

See: Previous Cuts Toggle

See: Clear Cut History