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Blade Depth Entry: Assign SKU to Layer

Blade Depth Entry: Assign SKU to Layer

Blade Depth Entry: Assign SKU to Layer

Subscribing to the specific Vendors allows you to select the desired SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) for Frames, Fillets and Mats in Designer and Visualize.  

If you are not Subscribed to the Vendor, their SKUs will not be displayed/selectable.

Frames and Fillets Properties

See: Subscription Definition 

Click Assign SKU to Layer from the Blade Depth Quick Select to Assign a SKU to the Current Layer
  • The Assign SKU screen opens up.

  • Select the desired matboard SKU for this layer and click Select and Close.

  • This SKU has been assigned to this layer.

  • If there is thickness data listed in this record, it will adjust the Blade Depth accordingly.