Subscribing to the preferred Vendors enables you to select their Frame, Fillets and Mats SKUs (Stock Keeping Unit) in the Design Editor and Visualize.
If the user does not Subscribe to a particular Vendor, that Vendor's Content will not be displayed within the software.
Available Vendors: Subscription Default Setting
Discontinued vs Unavailable: Subscription Default Setting
Frame Record Vendor: Frame Default Setting
Frame SKUs Vendor: Frame Default Setting
If the Desired Vendor is not Listed: Vendor Default Setting
Mat Record Vendor: Mat Default Setting
Mats Vendor Name: Mat Default Setting
Refresh Vendor List: Subscription Default Setting
Select Frame Vendor: Frame Default Setting
Select Mat Vendor: Mat Default Setting
Show Subscribed Vendors Only: Vendor Default Setting
Subscribe: Move Vendor to the Subscribed Vendors Column: Default Setting
Subscribed Vendors: Subscription Default Setting
Subscription Defaults
Unsubscribe: Move Vendor to the Available Vendors Column: Default Setting
Update Vendor Content: Subscription Default Setting
Vendor Frame SKU: Frame Default Setting
Vendor Mat SKU: Mat Default Setting
Vendor Subscribed: Default Settings