Convert Arcs to Splines: FrameShop Trace Editor

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Convert Arcs to Splines: FrameShop Trace Editor

Convert Arcs to Splines

Convert Arcs to Splines

Click Edit > Convert Arc to Splines to convert the Arcs into Bezier Splines. Splines can be tangified with less distortion, which will give a smoother cutting path for the design. 

Some people prefer to draw with the Arc tool then convert to Splines (Curve) after they have finished drawing the design. It's all about your drawing preference. 

  • Arcs are 3-point arcs, made with the Arc button.

  • Splines are 4-point Beziers made with the Curve button.

Converting Arcs to Splines

Converting Arcs to Splines

This displays a simple 3-point Arc.

Click Edit > Convert Arc to Splines.

The arc has been converted to a spline, or in other words, into a 4-point Bezier Curve