Ortho Mode: FrameShop Definition
This FrameShop Online Help System is for an older Version of FrameShop.
The updated 7.x FrameShop Online Help can be found here: https://wizardcutters.atlassian.net/wiki/x/hgApYw
If you are running FrameShop version FrameShop 4.1 or above you can update your software by clicking on Options then Check For Update.
What to Expect When Updating to FrameShop 7x from FrameShop 4x: https://wizardcutters.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQDWaQ
FrameShop Installation Documents: https://wizardcutters.atlassian.net/wiki/x/_1snYw
Ortho Mode: FrameShop Definition
Ortho Mode | |
Ortho (Orthogonal) Mode is the ability to restrict the cursor movements to only horizontal or vertical directions when creating or modifying objects. In Trace, this is usually done by holding down the CTRL key while drawing. |