Localization: FrameShop Application Defaults

This FrameShop Online Help System is for an older Version of FrameShop.

The updated 7.x FrameShop Online Help can be found here: https://wizardcutters.atlassian.net/wiki/x/hgApYw

If you are running FrameShop version FrameShop 4.1 or above you can update your software by clicking on Options then Check For Update.

What to Expect When Updating to FrameShop 7x from FrameShop 4x: https://wizardcutters.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQDWaQ

FrameShop Installation Documents: https://wizardcutters.atlassian.net/wiki/x/_1snYw

Localization: FrameShop Application Defaults



The Localization section allows the user to define the locale and unit of measure setting for the software.

Default Settings for Localization of the Language and Unit of Measurement

Available Locales            

The Available Locales section displays the available locales. 

Click on the desired locale to select it.

The software will be updated to reflect the selected locale.

Select the Desired Locale for the Software

Unit of Measure   

Unit of Measure   

Select the desired Unit of Measurement by clicking on the appropriate radio button. 

Country Sub-Division Name    

Country Sub-Division Name    

Enter the desired Country Sub-Division name, such as State/Province.

Phone Number Format   

Phone Number Format   

Enter the desired Phone Number Format, such as (999) 000-0000 CCCC.

State / Province List

State / Province List

The current list of State/Province List is displayed.