Select the Configurations Cartridge Type to Edit

Select the Configurations Cartridge Type to Edit

Select the Configurations Cartridge Type to Edit

  • Select the desired Cartridge Type Tab to edit the configurations for that Cartridge.

  • Examples of the Cartridges are listed below.

Cartridge Tab Configuration Screens

45 Degree Cartridge

45 Degree Cartridge

45 Degree+ Cartridge

45 Degree Plus Cartridge

45 Degree Front Cartridge

45 Degree Front Cartridge

52 Degree Cartridge

52 Degree Cartridge

90 Degree Cartridge

90 Degree Cartridge

Crease Cartridge

Crease Cartridge

Deboss Cartridges

Deboss Cartridge

Pen Cartridge

  • The Pen Cartridge holds a pen to the matboard to draw onto the matboard. 

Pen Cartridge

Vinyl Cartridge

  • The Vinyl Cartridge cuts designs into a sheet of Vinyl which has been temporarily adhered to the matboard. 

Vinyl Cartridge
Bevel Type Examples