Crescent Notch Design Using the #403: Crescent

Crescent Notch Design Using the #403: Crescent

  • These instructions will show you how to Merge two #403: Crescent openings together to create a single design.

Crescent Notch Design
  • Click New Mat Design on the FrameShop Main Page.

  • Click Cancel on the New Openings Screen.

  • On the Openings Tab, bring two template #403: Crescent onto the Editor.

  • NOTE: Selecting different Templates and adjusting their Parameters will give you an unlimited range of creative options.

Place the Two #403: Crescents on the Editor
  • Click on the Properties Tab to edit it.

  • Enter the desired size for the two #403: Crescent openings.

    • Remember that we are going to merge the two templates together so keep that in mind when sizing the design.

Edit the Template Properties as Desired
  • Click on the Parameters Tab.

  • Change the Step Width to .5625 for each opening.

Edit the Parameters
  • Click on the Bottom #403: Crescent opening.

  • In the Rotation field, enter 90 for the degree of Rotation.

  • The #403: Crescent will be rotated 90°.

Rotate the Bottom #403: Crescent Opening
  • Move each of the #403: Crescent openings into the center of the mat.

Center Both Openings
  • Select both openings and click the Group Selection button.

Select the Openings and Click Group Selection
  • The two openings should merge where they overlapped.

  • If you need to make an adjustment to the design, click the Group Selection button to unmerge them, then click on the background to unselect them.

  • Re-edit as desired and then regroup them again.

The 403: Crescent Openings are Merged
  • The edited Crescent Notch design is now completed.


  • You can repeat this process to merge any two templates together in any fashion as long as they share the same Bevel Type.

  • Try different degrees of Rotation.

  • Experiment with using different sized Templates.

  • Try using different Templates.

  • You can also adjust the Template’s Parameters which will give you endless creative options for your creative abilities.

  • Remember: Have fun!

The Finished Crescent Notch Design

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